Sunday, July 4, 2010

Batidos (Milkshakes)

The next day my dad met Liliam and I at the eco-lodge at 5:30 to go and feed the pigs. There was only one small bag of food because all of the groups were gone the day before so we let dad carry it. I think he enjoyed it. He helped clean the pens and give them the food and everything. After breakfast I met my parents at the lodge and took them up the trail to my house to show them around the farm and stuff. After that, we picked up Lucas at Eduardito’s and we all went on a quick car tour of Bajo San Luis. I showed them the church, the soccer plaza and took them by Lelo’s. Elvira was there so I asked if we could come by some time to eat.
We all went home for lunch and then met up again at the eco-lodge to decide what to do next. We decided to take a hike around one of the trails that makes a loop around the campus. About five minutes into the hike we heard some noise like little branches falling. Eduardito told us to stop, that it was monkeys. We looked up and sure enough, in the trees right above us there were several monkeys. As we followed them around the tree-tops we realized there was a whole band of them. We watched them for a while. They would stop and look at us also. It was fun. There was even one that had a little baby on its back. The second half of the hike we got poured on but it we had all brought ponchos since it pretty much always rains in the afternoons. Dad, Lucas, Eduardito and I all went up to the Cheese Factory to get milkshakes. After waking up early, the hike in the rain, and a milkshake, I was so tired. I rested the rest of the afternoon. At 7:00 I walked down to the lodge to meet my parents. Geovanny was doing a dance lesson and my parents decided to go to see what it was like. My dad won’t dance however and my mom would have liked to but she twisted her knee some how horse back riding. It ended up being really goofy because the group was really just about four girls that had done the lessons before so it was really just Geovanny dancing with all of them. It was still fun though. Lucas, Eduardito and I just played around and practiced the moves we had learned and my parents got a kick out of watching for a little while. I’m hoping maybe one of the days that they are here in July Geovanny will have an actual lesson and my parents can learn a few moves.

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