Sunday, July 4, 2010

Tilapia, Imperial and the World Cup

Tuesday we went to do the zip-line. I am glad we decided to do it. I had done it last year with the study abroad program. I think I enjoyed it even more this time though. It was a lot less waiting because the group was smaller than the one we were in last year, plus I got to share the experience with my parents and Lucas, who both enjoyed it a lot. After the zip-line we called went to Lelo’s for lunch. It was great because we got there just in time to watch the Spain vs Paraguay game there. My parents got to see Lelo’s pace which is really pretty, they got to meet Lelo, his wife and their daughter’s new puppy, and they got to eat the tilapia I had told them so much about. After taking our time picking our tilapia off the bone and watching the game, we all went to our respective homes and rested. We were going to play soccer in the afternoon but I wasn’t feeling very well. My Family had everyone over for dinner since it would be the last night that Lucas and parents would be there. It was a little awkward spending that much time over the house because my family I think felt weird about talking much amongst themselves because my parents wouldn’t understand and We(Lucas, my parents and I felt weird about talking amongst ourselves because my Costa Rican family wouldn’t understand. My parents did get to meet Julio (Otoniel and Alicia’s oldes son, my “brother”) though before dinner, which was nice and they got to meet Rita (Geovanny’s girlfriend) after dinner. After dinner we put on “Quien Quiere Ser un Millionario” and ate dessert that Lilian made. That broke the ice a little because it is something that we do a lot. Everyone was able to relax and interact and get all excited about seeing the first person win the grand prize.

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