Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Last night we ate the tongue from the cow that Otoniel helped butcher last week. I know that sentence sounds really gross but tongue is just another muscle and all meat comes from a butchered cow this one just happens to have been a friend’s cow. Eduardito and Lilian and I have had a couple of days of video fever. We have so many random, stupid but funny home videos from the past few days: us working, Lilian cooking, walking to the pulpería, sitting around the house, playing with the cat… It should be a pretty interesting mish mash of every day activities to have later to look back on. Today I got started setting up my project finally. I have been waiting for the lettuce seedlings to be big enough to transplant. I think I’m gonna plant them Thursday so I have today and tomorrow to get everything ready. I have hoed up all of the land, added fertilizer and marked out all of the quadrants with home-made stakes and string. Tomorrow I will prepare all of the quadrants with their various materials and hopefully have it all ready and planted on Thursday:)

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