Saturday, June 26, 2010


I made breakfast this morning then made patacones (double-fried plantain chips) this afternoon all by myself. I am determined to be able to come back and cook Costa Rican food for my roommates. Lucas and I also learned how to make cheese empanadas with Lilian the other day and about a week ago Marina, one of the ladies who works in the kitchen, taught me how to make tortillas. Speaking of things Lucas and I have done, I have been doing a horrible job of keeping up with my blog the past week or so. So here is a big jumble of what I can remember off the top of my head: One day Eduardito took Lucas and I on this crazy hike though the mountains to a waterfall. You could hardly call it a trail. Eduardito was in front, clearing the way with a machete as we hiked up the river. It was really beautiful. We were walking along huge, fallen trees, climbing on all fours up rocks I the river and scrambling up and sliding down steep inclines. The waterfall itself was not very big but very peaceful and elegant looking.
Lucas and I also went to one of Geovanny’s dance lessons at the eco-lodge. We even convinced Lilian and Eduardito to come (not something they would normally agree to) I had a lot of fun and Lucas was a great sport. The truth is, it is pretty frustrating because there is a lot to learn all at one time. The first time I did it I wanted to quit because my head hurt from trying to remember it all. I was surprised at how much I did actually remember on my own though from the six or so dance lessons I have “helped” Geovanny teach. I danced half with Eduardito and half with Lucas. Eduardito had a blast which was so funny because about a month ago I couldn’t physically force him into one of the lessons. Since then, the four of us have practiced our moves several times in the living room. That was even more fun.
Lilian, Eduardito and I have also played a mini game of soccer in the front yard and have spent a lot of time just joking around the house with everyone. Aaand I almost forgot. Lucas and I spent one morning in Santa Elena “town”. There isn’t a ton of stuff to do there but we walked around for a while just so he could get to know it. On our way back home we stopped at the cheese factory and got some delicious ice cream.
That is about all the major stuff I can think of. It has been great having Lucas here. There are a million things that he won’t get to do and plans that won’t work out the way I wanted, but it is so neat that he is here and that he knows at least some of the people and places that I love so much and that I tend to talk about a lot. I am really happy that my family here treats him so naturally. I was a little afraid they would act less open around him but they act more or less the same. It is a lot of fun to get to share that.

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